
Snow White and the Huntsman: Fighting injustice with innocence

When was the moment you decided to start fighting injustice? Well, I had an "ah-ha moment" while watching Snow White and the Huntsman.

I bought a ticket to Snow White and the Huntsman expecting to be entertained by the storyline, celebrities, and soundtrack. What I didn’t foresee was a lesson on fighting injustice through innocence.

Throughout the movie, Snow White, played by Kristen Stewart, realizes the world is full of pain and suffering as a result of injustice from corrupt leadership. Her character evolves as she starts to grasp that she has a voice she can use to do something about it.

I know I have had a similar moment of awakening, where I saw the pain and the suffering that injustice can cause. I also realized that it wasn’t someone else’s problem. I had the opportunity to take action and do something about it myself.

Maybe you have a had a similar experience in which you realized the difference you can make in our world.

So how does Snow White end up leading the masses to topple an empire? How does she inspire? To motivate men, she took a lesson from Jesus’ playbook (a.k.a. the Bible). It wasn’t her talents or charisma that made the difference, but something innate to her character.

In the lives of both Snow White and Jesus, we see that injustice is not fought with arrows or axes, but with innocence. When Jesus sends his twelve disciples, his encouragement to them is to “be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16).

This mandate is echoed in the conclusion of Paul’s letter to the Romans when he writes, “I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil” (Romans 16:19).

Snow White’s purity in her character motivated the masses and ultimately led to the demise of the wicked queen — a task that only she could accomplish. Similarly, we must allow Jesus to wash away our faults if we want to change the world. That’s where we start!

Let’s lead with innocence. As we are renewed by God, we can renew our dark and corrupt world. Suffering and pain may be the symptoms of injustice, but God can use us to help be the cure.

Do you have a specific moment in your life in which you were motivated to do something about poverty and injustice?

In the comments, share the story of what moves you to be a part of something bigger. Your words can inspire others to join you in becoming a force for positive change in the world.


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